Who am I?

6035105374_c2880dbe22_bI guess it’s clear that I’m Hannah Hunter. But why do I have a blog? Well, I’m an author and I’m about to publish my debut paranormal shifter billionaire romance serialized series. Lots of authors have fancy websites, and all sorts of things to direct you to where to buy books. I’m sure I’ll have that as well. But right now I’m just getting started, and I’d rather take the time to work on this story that’s bubbling inside of me rather than make a website brimming with all the bells and whistles. I’m not going to blog too much. Ideally, I’ll share with you how the publishing process is going, and share some sneak peeks at the work in progress. And of course, I’ll tell you when the books are ready. So if you’re at all curious about a series of short stories that tell the story of a hot Irish billionaire who just happens to be one of the most powerful shifters of the last 500 years and a woman with secrets of her own, then sign up to follow this blog, and my newsletter. That way, you’ll be in the know and won’t miss a release. Ever. —HH—

PS: In the interest of full disclosure, Hannah Hunter is a pen name for USA TODAY Bestselling author Victoria Barbour. Victoria wanted to keep her shifter books and her small town contemporary romances seperate. If you’d like to learn more about Victoria, visit her website here. 

photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/49703021@N00/6035105374″>44/52: Pasión</a> via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a&gt; <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/”>(license)</a&gt;

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